Dealmoon: A visit to Sugar & Spice Thai Restaurant

Review by Dealmoon

Translated Review

Sugar & Spice is an authentic Thai restaurant located in the heart of Porter Square, Cambridge, Ma. You can taste and feel the heart poured into each dish by the chef from the quality ingredients used to make the food, to the presentation of each dish as it comes out from the kitchen. The dishes were not just aesthetic but tasted amazing.

As soon as I entered the store, I could see the restaurant had earned lots of awards for its authentic Thai cuisine at Sugar & Spice. The atmosphere is good, and the decor is relatively modern.

My first move when visiting a Thai restaurant is to try their Thai Ice Tea. The Thai Ice Tea at Sugar & Spice was perfectly sweetened and full in flavor. Unlike other Thai Ice Tea’s, it wasn’t too sweet, but the just the right flavor.

We tried a lot of appetizers, and they were all pretty delicious:

Kuay Teow Lui Suan: This dish is similar to a spring roll with shredded chicken, lettuce, carrots, and mushrooms. The chicken seems to have been cooked with some light sauce, and the rolls taste a bit sweet and were very delicious. It wasn’t greasy, and even if you don’t dip it into the sauce, the rolls taste refreshing and yummy. ( It comes with a sweet and spicy sauce on the side )

Chicken Satay: This appetizer was also one of my favorites. the chicken is tender, and you can taste the curry flavor. It comes with two different sauces: one tastes sweet and spicy, and the other tastes like a mixture of peanuts, coconut milk, and curry.

E-San Sausage: The more you chew, the more delicious it is.

Crab Rangoon: this was recommended by the chef, it’s a simple fried snack and it’s so delicious. This dish takes a long time to prepare, as they make it in-house. The crab meat and cream-cheese blended perfectly: It was sweet, glutinous, and delicious.

Papaya Salad: it was a light, refreshing dish. Although it’s labeled as mild, it still tasted very spicy! The chef mentioned that the 3 pepper dishes at Sugar & Spice may seem moderately spicy, but in fact, cannot be handled by just anyone. I’d recommend spicy lovers to come to take up the challenge and try some of the spiciest options on the menu.

Seafood Moh Fai: This is a popular dish among Chinese diners. When I tasted it, I thought it was really delicious. It’s like a Spicy Seafood Hotpot. The soup is delicious, and there were so many ingredients in the pot. The clams are huge and savory, and so are the fish and mushrooms. The only drawback was the shrimp felt a bit dry.

Tom Yum Sukhothai: These rice noodles come in a huge bowl with minced meat, prawns, mashed garlic, fish balls, and eggs. The bottom of the soup is slightly sweet and sour, with a very distinctive Thai flavor.

Purple Fried Rice: This was delicious, the chicken had a sweet bbq sauce taste, and it was paired well with the shredded eggs, mango, and green beans. It’s a nutritious and filling.

Pad Thai: It tastes best when you mix the seasoning and crispy peanut chips all together. You can customize your spiciness when you order this dish. I recommend squeezing some lime juice before eating the noodles to balance out the sweet flavor.

Hor Mok: Is one of the popular house-specials. It’s a curry made with salmon, shrimp, vegetables, and eggs steamed in a whole coconut. Pour the sweet coconut milk on it; it not only looks great, but also tastes good. You can also eat the coconut meat inside the coconut afterwards too.

Sticky-Rice and Mango: at last, the dessert. The crispy rice grains topping the sticky rice give it a nice texture, and coupled with the mango, it’s a nice balance of sweet and sour.

After visiting, I could feel even more in awe of the chef’s superb cooking skills, and the good-intentions she puts into making and designing the dishes.

Original Review

Sugar & Spice是位于Porter Square核心区域的一家高端泰国菜,店内所用调料都是经过厨师精心挑选的上等食材,各个菜式从口感到摆盘都能看出厨师的用心,可谓视觉和味觉的双重体验。



到泰国店首先想尝的就是Thai Tea,他家的泰式奶茶甜度合适,口感顺滑如丝,奶味浓郁。喝起来不甜不腻,很好喝。


Kuay Teow Lui Suan是类似于春卷里面卷鸡肉碎、生菜、胡萝卜丝和香菇。鸡肉用清淡的烧烤酱烧制过,味道微甜很好吃。配上各种蔬菜,又不油腻。单吃就超好吃。


Chicken Satay咖喱鸡肉串是另一道我们非常爱吃的前菜。鸡肉相当软嫩湿润,外面盖上微微的咖喱味,好吃。配的酱料一种是甜酸酱,比较一般。另一种花生酱,是用花生、椰奶和咖喱自制成的,微甜很香的花生味。

E-san Sausage本以为是普通香肠,没想到猪肉里掺了糯米,口感更黏糯。口味特别像南方的腊肠,越嚼越有味,好评。

蟹角Crab Rangoon,老板很推荐。简简单单一个油炸小食,竟然这么好吃。据老板说这道菜的制作相当费时。


Papaya Salad很清淡的一道小菜,虽然只有一个辣,吃起来却真的很辣很辣。老板说他家的辣度三个辣并不是所有人都可以承受的。爱辣的朋友可以来挑战。这道菜里配了绿木瓜丝和鲜虾,还有西红柿、黄瓜、豆角和青柠汁,味道酸口的,就是太辣。

Moh Fai海鲜锅,据说广受中国食客的喜爱。我一尝,是微辣的海鲜火锅,味道确实不错。汤汁鲜香,锅里的料超多,巨大的蛤蜊,肉质筋道口味鲜美。还有大块的鱼肉和蘑菇。唯一不足就是感觉虾是干虾。

Tom Yum Sukhothai 汤米线,巨大的一碗,里面有肉末、大虾、蒜蓉、鱼丸和溏心蛋。汤底微甜带酸,很有特色的泰国味道。

Purple Fried Rice炒饭用焦糊的洋葱炒出来特别入味,好吃。鸡肉是甜口的烧烤酱味。还配上鸡蛋丝、芒果丝和青豆角。


Pad Thai据说使用了上等的调料制作,配有酥脆的花生碎。可以根据个人口味调节辣度。单吃面略微偏甜,挤些青柠汁上去就好吃多了。

Hor Mok是非常有特色的一道菜。在整个椰子中加入咖喱味三文鱼、虾、蔬菜和蛋。上菜之后,将甜香的椰奶浇在上面,卖相很棒。吃完之后,还可以挖椰子肉吃。


最后一道甜点Mango Sticky Rice看邻桌也点来吃。黏糯的糯米饼上面放了酥脆的米粒增添口感。配的水果酸酸的,可以平衡糯米的甜。



photo credits: Brian Samuels
Hor Mok Photo: @Jenavia from 小红书


Boston Magazine recommends Sugar & Spice as one of "The Best Thai Restaurants in Boston"


Testimonials: Boston’s best authentic and affordable Thai cuisine